Planning for the Garden..

Since the winter cold months are here, I will be working on planning for the garden and possibly ordering seeds come January. I do receive seeds from Mike the Gardener’s Seeds of the Month club- which is a fun thing for me- and we get some awesome seed varieties to try. See photo below of November’s shipment- and for some reason I got 5 packs this month instead of 4! I am so excited about the turnips and beets, and the peppers look interesting! I love the color purple! So I am going through trying to determine how many of each plant I am going to plant so that we can have fresh veggies and herbs and some to can. That is the hard part- then determining how much room I will need so that I can plan how big the garden will be. Have you been planning your garden yet? If so what are you going to plant? If you do buy seeds- what are you going to buy- and where? Help a sister out! I am always interested to see how others are planning!



8 thoughts on “Planning for the Garden..

  1. Hey there! I’m curious, how does an Affiliate program work and how do you get involved? My hopes is for one day to have my blog generate a little bit of passive income (along with other online businesses I’m hoping to build up) so that I can devote all of my time to the homestead. Any bit of information helps! 🙂


      1. Lol I’m not really a big spender but I’m trying to get my blog to generate at least a little bit of passive income. I’m also going to try building other online businesses to fund my homestead so that when the time comes to actually got full tilt I can give it my all and not have to worry about the 9 to 5 jig.


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